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Google Didn't Block Skype, It Was A Technology Limitation

August 24, 2009


Google's VP of Mobile Platforms, Andy Rubin, would like to set the record straight regarding Google's alleged blocking of Skype for Android.  USA Today printed an article last week Friday claiming Apple wasn't the only one blocking apps from entering their App Store, apparently Google was guilty of the practice too.  According to Rubin, those claims are completely false.
"As we told USA Today earlier in the week Google did not reject an application from Skype or from any other company that provides VoIP services. To suggest otherwise is false."
The confusion may have stemmed from Androids lack of support for full-featured VoIP apps.
"Here are the facts, clear and simple: While the first generation of our Android software did not support full-featured VoIP applications due to technology limitations, we have worked through those limitations in subsequent versions of Android, and developers are now able to build and upload VoIP services."
At this point and time, no developer has created a full-featured VoIP app for Android, but Google is ready and willing. Rubin does point out, however, that carriers can request that certain apps be blocked if they violate their terms of service.  But it's worth nothing that even if Google did block and app from entering their Android Marketplace, users could still freely download apps from another source since Android isn't a closed platform. Maybe Apple and AT&T could learn a thing or two about communication and proper App Store practices from Google?

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