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Do You Watch the iPhone App Store Like A Hawk? AppAdvice is Looking for a New-App Watcher.

Authors will receive a byline for every post, a personal profile page that includes the author's photo, links to the author's own personal pages and an index of all the stories each author has written for  You'll also get access to our immense repository of iPhone applications which means that just about any application you've ever wanted you can now have for free.  Cash compensation is dependent upon experience.

If you'd like to apply for this position, please send an email with a cover letter, your resume and at least three writing samples of work similar to what we've described above.  If you also have links to published work currently online that would be a plus.

Please send your application to  Make sure to mention that you are interested in the "App Watcher" position.  Thanks!

If you're on top of what's new in the iPhone App-Store like no one else, AppAdvice would love to hear from you. We're seeking one tuned-in individual who can maintain a constant watch on the AppStore RSS feed of all the new applications released every day and then to flag those applications that they think would be worthy of being deemed an "App of the Day".

Additional responsibilities of this position include recommending applications for our reviewers to write about, making suggestions for additions or changes to our "AppLists" and tipping off our news writers to anything that you think is worth covering as breaking news.

When you find an interesting application, we need you to contact the developer, introduce our site and give them a point of contact at our company, and finally get a promo code so that we can check out the application.

You will need to be a good writer as writing up the App-of-the-Day will be your responsibility.  This is not a full review and doesn't have to be an application that was released on that particular day, but is simply a short paragraph about an application that you think people should know about and try out.  This position requires that you publish the App-of-the-Day seven days a week, although you can write posts ahead of time and schedule them for later publication for weekends, holidays, etc.