Quirky App Of The Day: Are You A Redneck?
by Kathryn Zane
May 30, 2011
Now, here's a little bit of history about myself for all of you. I've been born and raised in the Appalachian Mountain range. My hometown is in one of the valleys that sits in front of the mountain range. We're north enough that dentists actually bother setting up practices. We're far enough south, though, that when I tell people where I'm from, they begin talking slowly to me as if I've had a lobotomy before their very eyes.
So, I am used to hearing snickering jokes about how many cousins I have my eye on, how many last names are in our phone book, and if family research is hard from all the inbreeding. I also hear all about the rednecks who found children cars and dogs when they mowed their grass, keep their Christmas lights up all year long, and only have a good set of teeth among the six in the family.
Am I upset about the quiz considering my background? I actually thought it was pretty funny. Not in the sense of "Hey, that's crazy! No one's really like that." It's more along the lines of "Hey, my friend is like that! I gotta send this to him."
Redneck quiz has fifteen questions. The answers you can give range from what most people would consider to be normal to what most rednecks would consider to be normal. You can be rated as not knowing anything about being a redneck, to being a hillbilly with a little bit of country in ya, to a through and through redneck.
So, what is the difference between a hillbilly and a redneck? Saints preserve me, I'm sure I'm going to hear about this in the comments section, but I'm going to try and explain the difference. Strangely enough, many people from the South inherently understand that there's a difference, and they know who is who. They might not be able to explain how they know, but they do know. Of all the sixth senses that some claim to have, this is one of the most bizarre.
The difference between a hillbilly and a redneck is how much they love the land around them. A hillbilly takes what he can get and doesn't do more than he has to. He just lives in the hills. A redneck tends to love the land they have. What they have is half property, half pride. So, I guess it's important to keep your hick terms straight.
If you have any questions about just where you sit on the scale of "normal" to "redneck," check out Redneck Quiz. It's available at iTunes for the awesome price of FREE!