A Ripoff Of Popular Game Blek Shows Up On App Store Called Cloned Blek
by Brent Dirks
June 27, 2014
Blek is a beautiful game and a great example of what developers can create on the iOS platform. The puzzle game looks simple, but is far from it, as players need to draw lines and connect colored dots to advance.
And at WWDC earlier in the month, the game even took home a coveted Apple Design Award.
But that doesn’t mean Blek is immune to the continuing problem of knockoff titles in the App Store. Gamezebo was the first to point out the shameless Cloned Blek.
Developer Coffee House Apps doesn’t exactly try to hide what the game is about. In fact, the app’s description is the exact same as Blek, except for the word “cloned” at the beginning.
So whatever you do, stay away from Cloned Blek and other apps like it. If you want the real thing, download Blek now on the App Store for $2.99. That’s a small price to pay for a fantastic game.
While Apple took time at the WWDC keynote to outline some of the changes planned for the App Store in iOS 8 and beyond, these clones are still a huge issue for developers and users.
And really, how hard did the App Store review team take a look at Cloned Blek before approving it? It's not like the developer did much of anything to hide the fact it was a blatant ripoff.
For other recent app news and reviews today, see: Become The Strongest Storm Caster In This Epic New Dungeon Crawler From Get Set Games, AppAdvice Game Of The Week For June 27, 2014, and Is Fly The Best iPhone App For Quick Video Editing?