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iPhone Commercial Pulled in United Kingdom (Video)

August 27, 2008
Just another harmless iPhone commercial, yea? Well, not according to the folks at the Advertising Standards Authority, who have had the advertisement banned in the UK -- and no, it's not for an unreleased iPhone nano version as the resolution of the ad might have you believe. Actually, after receiving two complaints from individuals claiming that the ad was misleading (due to the iPhone's lack of flash & java support), the ASA had the ad pulled for giving "a misleading impression of the internet capabilities of the iPhone." Apple noted that Java and Flash were not open-source technologies, and that Safari, the iPhone's web browser, was built under that premise. Additionally, none of the web features showcased in the commercial show any Java or Flash interaction, and Apple said it would be impossible to support "every third-party technology in the marketplace." [via the Guardian]

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