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PwnageTool & QuickPwn for 2.1 Firmware Released

September 14, 2008

The iPhone Dev Team dropped the latest versions of PwnageTool and QuickPwn yesterday, making Apple's latest 2.1 firmware 'pwnable'.
  • PwnageTool for Mac OSX Available via Torrent HERE
  • QuickPwn for Mac OSX Available via Torrent HERE
  • Additionally, the Dev Team leveraged the release to get some things off their chest, touching on the press, competition, and Apple. In particular they cited an Engadget article that called the Dev Team's "PwnageTool less and less relevant with each passing day." A subsequent editor's note assured readers that the opinions in the article were not endorsed by Engadget, and went on to dish out praise for the Dev Team. Another Engadget article posted yesterday from the same author, Thomas Ricker, asked readers a question: is "the ability to jailbreak your phone [still] important?" An update showed that, indeed, pollsters overwhelmingly thought so -- voting in the Dev Team's favor by a vote of 3 to 1.

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