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The Little IPhone That Could...

May 5, 2009
assassins-creed-iphone So this weekend I played through Assassin's Creed and Mega Man II on my IPhone. (expect reviews on both of these titles to hit the site in a couple of days) It got me thinking about all of the titles that have been either ported or have had an original game produced for the IPhone/IPod Touch that has been based on an already existing title. The list is staggering to say the least. From Mega Man II and Oregon Trail, to Metal Gear Solid Touch and Assassin's Creed there have been so many different games made for this device. With even more games coming in the near future. There are numerous movie tie-in games like Terminator Salvation and Watchmen: Justice is Coming, not to mention how many others are down the pipeline. Who thinks a Transformers game is coming? myst We even have popular PC titles showing up like the recently released Myst that just hit the app store on Sunday. (I will definitely be grabbing that one up as soon as possible by the way) I guess my point here is this...look at how far this little device from Apple has come in the span of what, a year? Maybe more, maybe less? Top quality gaming companies, major film studios, and everyone in between are getting games out on this device as quickly as possible. Apple has become one of the top gaming consoles in a matter of months...insane! But do the game live up to hype? The most important thing the IPhone/IPod Touch has going for it has to be the controls. No other device out there really plays the same. Yeah, the Nintendo DSi is similar, but not really. Since these controls are what brings us to the games, do they really work? megaman_2 For me, I don't care if the controls are a little, Take Mega Man II for example. I can forgive the bad controls because, well...I get to play Mega Man whenever I want and wherever I want. I doesn't really bother me. However, games like Assassin's Creed for the IPhone, it does bother me. So does the IPhone really deserve all the praise and titles it's getting? Hard to say... Should developers really spend so much time and money just to delivery a sub-par game? Look at the Nintendo Wii. Anytime there is a game that spans all platforms, the Wii always gets the weakest version. So if that's all you own, you're SOL. I feel the games we are getting on the IPhone/IPod Touch are good, but some seem to lack a lot in gameplay and just bank on their name. Look at Metal Gear Solid Touch. That game is terribly disappointing compared to every other Metal Gear title out there. We know the IPhone can produce better games. Why give us such a let down from such a major developer? Look at the upcoming Need For Speed for EA. I can't wait for that, but will it be any good? It's tough to say which games are better than others when it comes to ports and original titles based off already established material. Sometimes the nostalgia is enough, sometimes not. So I ask, what ported or "based on" games have you enjoyed? Which ones have you not? And most importantly, are you getting what you paid for? lost

App Pick of the Week

This week I have to go with an app called Doomsday Terminal that has just had a price drop of free. It's basically an application based off of the "hatch" from season 2 of the ABC show, Lost. You open the app and the timer starts and every 108 minutes, you have to enter the code. It keeps your score and puts it up against other players to see how has lasted the longest. How long can you last without going insane?

Retro Game of the Week

So looks like I've got another stumper here. For two weeks running now nobody has guessed what this game is and what it was made for. So I'll give you a hint, it featured a cameo by a superhero that goes by the name of Spiderman. Think you know what it is? retro-game-300x271

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