Mass Effect Galaxy was only
released on June 22, but apparently EA must have felt that $4.99 was just asking too much because they have already dropped the price of the game to $2.99.
Mass Effect Galaxy puts you in the shoes of Jacob Taylor, a biotic-powered super-soldier who must somehow stop humanity from being knocked off the galactic stage. The game uses a top-down view that allows you to see all of the action with ease. It also features some smooth animated graphics that should appeal to almost any gamer out there. The only downside to the game seems to be its basic control system. You control your character's movement by tilting your device, but that's pretty much it. The combat portion of the game is extremely simple. If you are in range of an enemy, your reticule will lock on to the target and automatically start firing.
Mass Effect in general has never been just about the combat, it is more about the story and that's where the game shines. If you are a fan of the series, this one should help hold you over until
Mass Effect 2 is released next year. According to
AppGamer.net, there is also a reward that can be unlocked for
Mass Effect 2 once you beat
Mass Effect Galaxy, but they aren't sure what it is.
It's worth noting that we spoke with EA Mobile's Craig Law about whether this was a temporary sale or a permanent price drop, and the best he could give us was a "guess" that it would be permanent. If you don't want to risk it, I recommend picking
Mass Effect Galaxy up now for only $2.99.