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Don't Want To Pay A Subscription Fee For Turn-By-Turn GPS? Try MobileNavigator North America

July 22, 2009


Navigon has finally released their full-featured turn-by-turn GPS iPhone app, MobileNavigator North America.  This app may turn out to be a great option for those of you looking for non-subscription-based turn-by-turn GPS app for your iPhone. mobilenavigator_screenNavigon released the European version of MobileNavigator late last month and now they are set to concur North America.  The app contains maps for the United States (including Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands) and Canada.  Thanks to the wide coverage area, the app weighs in at 1.29GB. MobileNavigator North America has loads of features, including Reality View™ Pro (photo-realistic 3D views), Lane Assistant Pro (helps prepare for upcoming exits or turns), day and night mode, portrait or landscape format, real signpost display, direct access to iPhone address book, 2D and 3D map displays, quick access to user-defined POIs (points of interest), and loads more. Navigon has also promised a free update, which will be coming soon and will add many other features, such as addition map view options, call POI, optimized volume control, and multiple-destination routing. MobileNavigator North America is currently available for the introductory price of $69.99 until August 15th.  The price will then be raised to $99.99.  They also have a Lite version available to try out. Are any of you going to pick up this full-featured turn-by-turn GPS app?  Or would you rather save your money and wait to see what TomTom has to offer? Embedded below is a video preview of the app in action.

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NAVIGON North America
NAVIGON North America

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