For the frustrated Windows user (forgive the redundancy), the ability to jailbreak the iPhone 3GS is on its way. Following the recently released Pwnage Tool 3.1.3, sn0wbreeze, will do what its Mac counterpart does to iPhone 3GS's running on 3.0 or 3.0.1.
The announcement was made via Twitter by "ih8sn0w":
"The new project that we are working on is sn0wbreeze. It is basically PwnageTool for Windows. Our ETA is October 12.We will ask for Beta Testers as soon as we have a stable build ready!It will be pretty much everything the the Mac version of PwnageTool can do atm."
There have been reports of sn0wbreeze and PwnageTool for Windows imitators, so be careful. As soon as sn0wbreeze is available App Advice will have a how-to for all you PC people.
Sneak Peak sn0wbreeze demo