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Make Any Pair Of Gloves iPhone-Friendly

November 26, 2009


If you're greedy, happen to wear gloves and have nothing to do on this long thanksgiving holiday, then here is a project for you. Instructables published a great guide that explains you how to easily make any pair of gloves iPhone compatible. It's a little messy but still interesting. For starters you're going to need a needle, the pair of gloves you want to transform, and most importantly "12" (30cm) of conductive thread."  Then, all you have to do is a couple stitches on your glove, here is what it's supposed to look like on the outside.


Then the trick consists in actually being very messy on the inside and leaving a lot of thread lying around, here is how you want it to look like inside:


Finally, you might want to do this on more fingers so you can switch hands or even enjoy multitouch...

That's it, you're all set. And if you're not that greedy you can still consider getting a Pogo sketch stylus instead.

So if you happen to try it, make sure to tell us how it went!

[via Instructables]

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