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Tip: Protect Your Lock Screen With An Alphanumerical Password

February 20, 2010

Paranoid much? Good, you should be. After all, your iPhone contains your most private information. There are actually many ways to give it the extra security it deserves and one of them is to improve your lock screen password. 9to5mac used the iPhone corporate development kit to built a security profile that once installed, allows you to use an alphanumerical password to unlock your iPhone instead of the traditional pin code. To install it, just open this link from mobile safari (from your iDevice) and you will be prompted to pick a new code. The requirements are strict and you'll have to pick something a little more complicated that abc12345. If you ever want to go back to the traditional pin code, just go to Settings/General/Profiles/9to5mac/ then click remove and confirm, just set a new code after that and you're all set. Ow and, don't lock yourself out of your own iPhone, that would be just sad. [Thanks to iPodUplink for the tip]

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