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Amazon's Kindle Is On Its Way To The iPad

March 18, 2010

It's a common belief that Apple's iPad is a threat to Amazon. While I do think the iPad  is simply going to kill their hardware reader, it could on the other hand be very beneficial to their eBook selling business, and it looks like they're on the right way to make that happen.

Indeed, as you probably know, Amazon's eBook platform is not limited to their Kindle reading device. You can very simply install their reader software on a PC or even an iPhone and access their large library directly from there. Well, since last night, you can now do as well from your Mac and very soon from your iPad too.

While they're somewhat discrete about it in the press release, this is a big announcement. Amazon has put together an impressive collection of eBooks over the years and since we're not quite sure how Apple will price its iBooks yet, or if they'll ever make it overseas, this guarantees iPad owners cheap eBooks, anywhere in the world.

In short, it's now official, Apple's iPad will give you the best of both eBook worlds.

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