App Cubby may be known for their robust productivity and fitness iPhone apps, but every once in a while a developer just needs to let loose and create something simple and enjoyable for everyone. The result of this mindset is App Cubby's new app,

During Macworld 2010, App Cubby's David Barnard gave us a sneak peek at
KaleidoVid, and just from his quick demonstration you could tell that him and his team had a lot of fun creating it. This creative enjoyment must have rubbed off on me because I had a total blast messing around with the app.
To create a unique kaleidoscopic image with
KaleidoVid, just open the app and point your iPhone's camera at basically anything and tilt and turn your device to create an image that appeals to you. Tap the screen to freeze the image in its place to quickly show it off to your friends that are watching over your shoulder, or save the image to your camera roll, share it on Twitter or Facebook, or email it. Then just tap the screen to unfreeze the image and start all over again.
Since the app requires the use of a camera, it only supports the iPhone, iPhone 3G, or iPhone 3GS with iPhone OS 3.1 or later.
KaleidoVid is a great time waster and a fantastic way to create and share unique backgrounds for your device's lock screen, especially at the low price of $.99.