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iPad Charging Times

May 13, 2010

There is a slight downside to the iPad's incredibly long-lasting battery; its charging time. Depending on where you plug it, your device can take up to three times as long to hit 80% of charge. So when you're in a rush, better pick the right plug.

Indeed, while Apple's standard charger will get you juiced for the day in just about three hours, the iPhone one can take almost twice as long. As for the most common and convenient solution, your Macbook pro's USB port; it's actually the most inefficient one as it will take over 7 hours to hit 80% of charge. Lastly, Griffin's third-party charger "PowerBlock" can shorten the wait even more to 2.5 hours. Unfortunately, it was found particularly slow in the remaining 20%.

Got it?

[via Gizmodo]

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