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WebMD For iPad Makes Medical Information Discovery A Breeze

May 26, 2010

WebMD has just launched a new app for the iPad that provides you with all the tools you need to make medical information discovery a breeze. WebMD for iPad resembles the company's iPhone app, WebMD Mobile, in content, but it completely destroys it in execution. When first launched the app presents you with five categories to choose from: symptom checker, conditions, drugs and treatments, first aid information, and local health listings.  Each category brings you into a separate and well thought out page that gets right into answering your medical questions. In landscape mode, the entire left side is dedicated to listing options and items, while the right side displays all of the information you are seeking.  In portrait mode, however, the entire page is dedicated to displaying your information with popovers taking over the task of listing options and items.  In either view everything is easy to find and very straight forward. One neat feature not found in the WebMD iPhone app is local health listings.  It allows you to find physicians, hospitals, and pharmacies near your current location and displays your results on the left side of the screen in order of nearest to farthest.  You can also view their locations via the built-in Google map. All in all WebMD for iPad easily WebMD's best app effort to date thanks to its speedy search results and intuitive and fully iPad-optimized interface.  It provides you with many of the features found on, excluding things like news and community information, without requiring an Internet connection.  And the best part?  It's absolutely free.

Mentioned apps

WebMD for iPad
WebMD for iPad
WebMD Mobile
WebMD Mobile
WebMD Mobile
WebMD Mobile
WebMD for iPad
WebMD for iPad