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From E3: Hands On With Gameloft's Ultimate Spider-Man: Total Mayhem

June 22, 2010

Last week we told you about all the sequels Gameloft has in store, but one game they showed deserved its own post. Ultimate Spider-Man: Total Mayhem is a game based on the comic universe rather than the movies where you will face some of the most well known Spider-Man villains along the way. The game was one of the stand outs of E3, and looks like Gameloft’s best effort to date. From the opening sequence I was instantly engaged in the game as you use all kinds of moves to maintain your combo as you’re beating up enemies. There is a virtual stick, and three action buttons with jump, punch, and web. You can do regular punches in unison for combos, or use the web to pull off great animated attacks. You can shoot a web ball with a single tap, but if you hold and move the control stick in one of four directions you pull off a special web based attack. It’s great fun keeping your combo going while dealing out all kinds of damage, and it’s a great sight to see. The game isn’t all fighting though, and soon you’ll be off swinging through the city. Shooting out your web to swing through the city is effortless, and then you’ll slide across bars, and more swinging which just feels natural with the smooth controls. The game also features cut scenes where a single timing based tap to initiate a great animated avoidance move. The game has multiple levels and objectives that will definitely last awhile. Ultimate Spider-Man: Total Mayhem is expected summer 2010, and will be between $6.99-$9.99. Watch the trailer and check out the screenshots, and tell us if this is a Gameloft game to be excited about. [gallery link="file" columns="4"]

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