Oceanhouse Media has been on a roll lately in terms of releasing high quality Dr. Seuss-based apps into the App Store. In less than a month they have released not one, not two, but three new apps based on the crazy worlds Dr. Seuss has created. Now you should be able to find one for any occasion.

The most recent of the three releases is the universal ebook
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish ($3.99). It's a rhyming book for young readers that was first published way back in 1960. This special digital version of the book is intended to not only help celebrate
World Oceans Day on June 8th, but also to celebrate the book's big 50th anniversary.
Released almost in unison with
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish was
Up With A Fish! ($.99).
Up With A Fish! is a Dr. Seuss inspired stacking game developed by none other than the casual gaming kings, NimbleBit, and published by Oceanhouse Media. The app is an accelerometer-based affair where you must catch all of the falling objects while trying to avoid the falling Things. Fish bowls also fall freely, and if you miss up to three of them, the game is over.
Oh, the Places You'll Go! ($3.99) is another universal ebook that was actually released a couple of weeks ago, but is extremely relevant around this time of year since it is widely known to be one of the best graduation presents out there, especially for those graduating iPhone and iPad users.
So whether you are celebrating World Ocean Day, looking for a great graduation present, or looking to entertain your kids, Oceanhouse Media has you covered with their three recent releases.