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Who Are iPad Users?

July 12, 2010

Yahoo! recently released its second-in-a-series look at who is purchasing iPads. The study included users in the U.S. and internationally.

Not surprisingly, a plurality of iPad users are 35-44 years old and the majority are male. However, Yahoo! found that women are increasingly using the Apple device, and the ratio has moved from 2:1 to 3:2 in a few short months since the product was released.

I'm not surprised the iPad continues to skew towards the 35-44 demographic. After all, at its current price point, the iPad may be too expensive for many younger buyers who might be choosing between a traditional PC and the iPad. Some older buyers might also be hesitant in buying the device due to the price point. If, as expected, Walmart begins selling the iPad at the end of the year, the in-store availability of the iPad will increase substantially. iPads are available at Apple Stores (online and brick-and-mortar), as well as, at select Best Buy stores, but nowhere else. Many users need to "see-and-feel" a product before making a purchase, so having more suppliers will put the device “out there” for many more would-be buyers. Recall when iPods debuted? Their availability was also limited. Today, you can purchase the music devices in many locations. If Apple releases even a modest refresh of its iPad line in the next few months, those older models will come down in price. Looking down the road, I don't doubt that the overall price point of all iPad models will shift downwards. As this happens, the overall iPad buyer demographic will begin to level out across all subsets.

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