iPhone 4 Now Unlocked - Release Still Pending
Good news for those of you whose iPhone came SIM-locked and are looking for some carrier freedom. Planetbeing of the Dev-Team has announced on Twitter that he and the Dev-team have now completed their iPhone 4 unlock. Not to diminish the incredible technical achievement, but darn, it didn't take them long.
As a reminder, the unlock, is a modification of your iPhone's system that allows you to use sim cards from different networks (i.e. T-Mobile), despite your phone being normally locked to one specific provider.
No word on a public release date yet, as they still need to put together a nice, streamlined installation process. They also need to make sure that your dear iDevice won't be at risk. Still, I'm sure it will be available soon.
Here is another shot of Planetbeing's unlocked iPhone connected to Bell. It's running Cydia on that beautiful Retina display: