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August 2, 2010

Last night's hysteria surrounding the new jailbreak was short-lived. Indeed, we all rushed to try it out only to discover that, unfortunately, jailbreaking killed the iPhone 4's FaceTime feature as well as MMS messaging. It got a lot of people to restore and despite the jailbreak being nothing short of incredible, we were all a bit disappointed. Well, it seems like all there was to it was a little permission error, which has now been taken care off.

In short, if you jailbreak from now on, you shouldn't have the issue. If you already did, no need to worry. Just launch Cydia and let it update, it will download and install a fix by itself. If you want to do it on your own in the command line, here is what to type:

chmod 755 /private/var/mobile/Library

chmod 755 /private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences

Then, just reset your network settings. Lastly, the jailbreak should now be fully functional on the iPad as well. Tell us how it went in the comments, and let's help each other out.

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