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Lots Of Apps, But In Different Languages

Lots Of Apps, But In Different Languages

August 29, 2010
The iPad App Store has nearly 24,000 apps for our enjoyment. However, many of these apps are written in different languages, which can be confusing for many consumers. Some of these, for example, have English titles. It is only after you download the app that you see it is written in another language. This can lead some users to purchase apps they can't even use! I have no problems with the App Store offering items written in Japanese, German or any other language. After all, the iPad is a worldwide phenomenon and the more apps available, the better. However, there should be a way to segment these, to weed out those apps written in languages we aren't interested in. Currently, each app page indicates the language an app is written in. But, this information is in small print that is difficult for the average app buyer to see. We already know that Apple denies access to apps in certain countries. What Apple should do now is give us a preference setting that allows us to turn languages on or off, depending on our needs. This option should be made available to everyone, regardless of which country they reside in. For example, I read Spanish and sometimes download an app written specifically in that language. Therefore, I want to see only apps written in English and Spanish. Someone else might want to select Chinese and Japanese. Apple's app approval process is considered very tough by many. Yet, this is an area where a little more oversight might really come in handy. What do our readers think? Is a language-selection option needed for the App Store? Please leave your comments below.

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