Are you ready to be lost in the mesmerizing world of Aerox? Well you should be prepared to if you're considering picking up this game. Aerox is a ball rolling 3D platformer that takes the basic Super Monkey Ball and combines it with the visuals and physics engine of a gem like Jet Car Stunts, and then adds its own unique spin.
There are 30 levels with online high scores for each one based on time. You simply tilt to control the ball, plus a separate tilting axis to control the camera angle. You will come across many different elements including ramps, jumps, movable blocks, tubes, angled walls, and shifting platforms.
The Good
Aerox is a deluxe and challenging platformer that seemingly introduces a new obstacle type per level. It's a great experience rolling along platforms in the sky with always the chance to roll right off the side. Then you’re introduced to ramps to jump over gaps without any boost, and then panels tilted to the side, and you need to bounce back and forth between them.

Every obstacle in the game is a wonderful challenge that you will absolutely enjoy when playing as a whole. Every level plays differently with plenty of variation to keep you moving through the game to complete all 30 levels. The game feels like Jet Car Stunts in a way with the style of the course and always a chance to lose at any second, though Aerox is at a much slower pace.
The game is easy to control to roll about the complex levels though they’re not the finest tilt controls around. The best aspect is that there's never a dull moment with each level presenting a constant string of skill sequences. You go from rolling past the simple holes in the platform, to dealing with shifting platforms and rolling across 90 degree walls.

Aerox is a visual masterpiece, and is without a doubt one of the best looking games in the App Store, from the opening fly over of each level to the constantly changing reflective surface of the ball as it rolls along. The included soundtrack features multiple songs varying from level to level that have a relaxing methodical pace.
The Bad
The controls aren't the most precise as they can get out of control occasionally. Also you need to tilt the device considerably to roll quickly enough to make it through certain obstacles. There isn't really anyway to stop on a dime which hampers the overall experience a little.

This isn't the longest game in the App Store with each of the 30 levels taking around a minute to a minute and a half. For only $1.99 though there is plenty of gameplay for your money, and you can replay any level to better your online rank. There are some levels that are challenging enough to replay a few times just to beat them.
The Verdict
Aerox is an enjoyable engaging experience that once you pick up you just can’t put down. It's brilliantly designed to immerse you in the beautiful environment of Aerox. Every level offers something new, and there's a constant string of challenges that are as fun as they are difficult.
Aerox is a must buy for only $1.99 that will have anyone enjoying their time lost in the world of Aerox.