Welcome To The Party: Google Earth App Now Uses Retina Display
September 20, 2010
The popular Google Earth app has just been updated for the iPhone/iPod touch. The latest version finally offers native support for the iPhone 4 and Retina display. In addition, the 3.1 update includes underwater bathymetry and ocean surface views plus ocean content layering.
The app has been available in the App Store for some time, following on the heels of the desktop version by the same name.
There has been some criticism of the app in recent months, especially with the introduction of the iPhone 4. Users have indicated that the app is crash prone and takes quite a bit of time to load.
One comment, left in the App Store, said of the previous version:
"This app is very very cool, but it takes FOREVER to load and it's very slow and laggy. Needs an update very badly."Well, the update is here and it will be interesting to see if problems with the Google Earth app are now a thing of the past. In my test of the app, on my iPhone 4, it was snappy and the maps looked amazing. We'd be interested in hearing if our readers like the new Google Earth update. Please leave your comments below.