Last iPhone Exclusivity Deal In Europe Goes Bye-Bye
October 13, 2010
T-Mobile's exclusive deal to sell the iPhone 4 in Germany is dead. And with it, the last of the exclusivity deals in Europe is no more. It was reported today that both Vodafone and O2 would begin selling Apple's latest handset throughout Germany.
According to Cult Of Mac:
Today’s announcement’s by Vodafone and O2 eliminate the last glimmer of advantage that T-Mobile had. If Germany follows the rest of Europe, it’s basically a win-win for everyone but T-Mobile: Apple will sell twice as many iPhones, carriers will win new contracts and consumers will be able to choose the best service for them and take advantage of competitive pricing.With iPhone buyers throughout Europe now seeing the advantages of competition, let us hope AT&T's exclusivity deal in the United States is about to end too. It would give consumers a choice. And perhaps with it, lower prices.