Report: Apple Investigating Monster Headsets
November 1, 2010
Apple is investigating numerous models of Monster-branded headphones currently on the market for the iPhone/iPod touch and iPad. These headsets are designed to work with Apple’s Remote and Mic technology. The Cupertino, California-based company is concerned that they do not meet Apple’s technical specifications. This could cause them to play and pause erratically.
This news was first reported by MacRumors which states:
Several Monster headphone models using Apple's Remote and Mic technology do not meet Apple's technical specifications. These headphones use conductive flanges, which can result in electrical shorts that cause an iPod or iPhone to pause and play erratically. Customers may not be aware that the issue is caused by the headphones and may believe that the iPod or iPhone is defective instead. There are no known safety concerns and no known risk of damage to the iPod/iPhone or headphones.A list of nearly two dozen Monster models are under investigation. These include those under Monster’s Lil Jamz, Jamz, Turbine and Heartbeat lines. There is currently no recommended course of action for Monster owners. For now, it is best to contact Monster for additional support. [Photo: MacRumors]