Rumor: Apple Treats Itself To A Bluetooth Headphone Company - To Kill The Iconic White Cable?
November 9, 2010
Apple's white headphones and their cable are as iconic as the iPod itself. This extends to the iPhone as well, where fellow iPhone users can acknowledge each other thanks to the clicker/microphone present on the white cable. It drives haters nuts, but heck, barely anyone would replace these for an equivalent lower-priced model even if they break.
Anyway, this could be the end of an era as, according to 9to5mac, Apple might have recently acquired:
"... a small Bluetooth wireless headphone designer in San Francisco two months ago for an undisclosed sum. The company, called Wi-Gear, made three generations of A2DP stereo headphones called iMuffs as well as a Bluetooth 2.0 adapter for older iPhones and iPods that don’t support Bluetooth 2.0. Wi-Gear’s products were specifically geared to be used with Apple iOS devices. The company is now closed …"They were also able to confirm that one of the co-founders of the company is now an Apple employee. Of course, we don't know whether Apple will actually kill the good ol' headphones and replace them with an entire line of sleek wireless ones. That would be uterly awesome and yet another "revolution." Or, maybe they just want to expand their current headphone line beyond the recently introduced in-ear mid-class model. What do you think?