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First Look At TweetMag - The Flipboard Killer

First Look At TweetMag - The Flipboard Killer

December 2, 2010
With Flipboard, users fell in love with the idea of having their iPad aggregate their Twitter feed and turn it into a magazine. Instead of simple lists of text and links, it allowed a user to keep up with the web in a more convenient way, with beautiful graphics and a lots of illustrations. Tweetmag, which we've previously told you about, uses the same concept as Flipboard, but makes it even better. After signing into your Twitter account, it will create an iPad magazine based on what is being shared on your feed. That is, each article becomes a box composed of some text and the lead image. Then, you can tap it to access the entire post in a mobile-friendly format. All this Is powered by natural gestures and a beautiful interface. Another good point, it doesn't bother with the link-less noise that consists of your friends describing how much they love what they're having to eat. It's great, and goes even further by letting you add lists or specific profiles. Lucky us, we had the chance to play around with it for a little while today, and we wanted to show it off to you. Check out our demo:

Is it a Flipboard Killer? We think so, it's really great. The only risk of people staying away from it could be the price. After all, Flipboard is free and that's hard to compete with. Anyway, we can't wait for TweetMag to go public, and as usual, we'll keep you posted.

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Flipboard: Your Social News Magazine
Flipboard: Your Social News Magazine
Flipboard Inc.

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