Reader's Digest For iPad Arrives In The App Store
January 19, 2011
Reader's Digest, one of the best-selling consumer magazines of all time in the U.S., is now available in an iPad friendly digital form.
Like most apps of this kind, the free Reader's Digest app is actually a wrapper of sorts that allows you to download and flip through monthly issues of the magazine. Each issue features all of the editorial content you have come to know and love from the print version, while also offering some interactive and iPad-only content like slide shows, video interviews, interactive games and polls, exclusive author interviews, and an automatically updated Joke of the Day.
Next month's issue will offer even more unique content for you to enjoy. It will include the Daily Digest, an automatically updated page featuring the most recent posts from the company's newly launched Reader's Digest Version website.
As it stands, each issue is available via in-app purchase for $3.99. In comparison, you can pick up a one-year subscription to Reader's Digest right now for $10, which comes out to $1 an issue.
The free Reader's Digest app allows you to download a preview copy of February's issue, which will teach you how to navigate the pages and give you a taste of the type of content you can expect, so give it a try.