Catholics Can Now Confess Via New App
February 8, 2011
While faith-based apps aren’t new in the App Store, Confession: A Roman Catholic app is the first approved by a church authority.
Created by Little i Apps, LLC, the app is sanctioned by the Catholic Church in the United States. It helps Catholics walk through the sacrament, offering a custom examination of Conscience.
The app includes:
According to Patrick Leinen, of South Bend, Indiana-based Little i. Apps, speaking to Reuters:
- Custom examination of Conscience based upon age, sex, and vocation (single, married, priest, or religious)
- Multiple user support with password protected accounts - Ability to add sins not listed in standard examination of conscience
- Confession walkthrough including time of last confession in days, weeks, months, and years
- Choose from 7 different acts of contrition
- Custom interface for iPad - Full retina display support
"Our desire is to invite Catholics to engage in their faith through digital technology."The app is not designed to replace going to confession but to help Catholics through the act. Followers are still expected to go to a priest for absolution. The universal Confession: A Roman Catholic app is available in the App Store for $1.99.