Review: Back To The Future Episode 1 - It's About Time
by Staff Writer
February 18, 2011
It’s time to go Back To The Future! The original movie trailer asked the question, “How far you going”? Michael J. Fox answers, “about 30 years”. Now it has been 25 years since the original movie was released. The franchise has gone back to the future quite literally as the game is on the iPad.
Back To The Future Episode 1 is a cinematic point and tap adventure for the iPad. There is a brand new story for Marty McFly, Doc Brown, and the DeLorean. This is just Episode 1 titled “It’s About Time.” The game begins in Twin Pines Mall, and foreshadows Doc Brown’s disappearance.
It turns out Doc Brown is missing in 1986, and is stuck back in 1931. Now it’s up to Marty to figure out what happened, and try to save Doc. In the game every move you make furthers along the story. It’s like actually interacting with a movie.
The game’s narrative is quite enjoyable to watch. It’s written so well, and does a good job fitting with the franchise. It just feels like an added bonus to interact with the movie like storyline. You get to move Marty, tap on items to investigate, and use inventory items. There are deluxe cut scenes as well, and a great balance between playing and watching.
The 3D modeling of every object on screen is extremely well done. The art style is just like an animated Back To The Future. The voice acting is superb with Christopher Lloyd reprising his role as Doc Brown. Sadly Michael J. Fox wasn’t able to work on the game, but A.J. LoCascio is a near perfect sound alike.
You really feel like you’ve been transported back in time to the popularity of the movies, while still feeling the future aspects of playing it on the iPad. The storyline and art design could pass as a full featured animated movie. One of the best features is the enjoyable interactions with the story.
You get to choose what lines Marty says, and decide where to go next. There are puzzles throughout that aren’t difficult, but still engaging. You’ll still need to pause from time to time to think about your next move. The puzzle elements are made for the more casual gamer. Also, if you get stuck at any point there is a great hint system.
There is a considerable amount of gameplay time involved depending on your actions. You can just blow through the most obvious route in a couple of hours. There’s no real fun in that though. You can also explore each area extensively just to find out about all the included elements. There is a load of content to discover if you take your time in each area of the game. It’s definitely a worthwhile experience, especially for fans of the movies.
The one flaw in the engrossing Back To The Future experience is the rendering. When there are heavy action sequences there is a slow down in the frame rate. There are also stutters and glitches from time to time. The best way to play is to clear out your multi-tasking bar before playing.
Even when you do, there are still occasional slow downs. There is so much to this game that you really need a more powerful iPad. Even with the problems it doesn’t distract from enjoying the overall experience. The quality of story and art succeed in making up for it.
This is one of the few apps that once you pick it up, you just can’t put it down. As soon as you start playing you’ll want to know the conclusion of the story. One thing to note is that this is just Episode 1. The developers plan on releasing monthly installments for each new episode. It is dependent on sales, but from a consumer perspective that is a lot to spend on all five episodes.
Back To The Future Episode 1 ($6.99, iPad) makes the franchise proud. There is an outstanding storyline with great interactive features. The game has great art design, but isn’t good at rendering all that art detail. The frame rate is a definite problem, but not enough to make you miss out on such an enjoyable experience.
Back To The Future Episode 1 is a should buy for $6.99 making it great for fans and non-fans alike.
Note: You might be whistling the theme song the rest of the day.