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Apple Releases An Apps For iPhone Page

Apple Releases An Apps For iPhone Page

March 28, 2011
Apple has quietly released its new Apps for iPhone page on its website. The page, which recently debuted, shows off apps not necessarily emphasized recently in the App Store. It also serves as a marketing page for future iPhone buyers. But, is it any good? The App Store does a great job of spotlighting “New and Noteworthy” apps and those that sell well. However, with 350,000 apps for the iPhone/iPod touch alone, you can get lost in the App Store very easily. The Apps for iPhone page highlights apps by unique categories, regardless of when it was released or how popular it has become. For example, there are sections on Apps for Work, Apps for the Great Outdoors, and Apps for Keeping Current, just to name three examples. The page also includes a Developer Stories section, which profiles some of the creators behind the 350,000 apps using video. Knowing the inspiration behind an app is always a pretty interesting story and it's nice these stories are highlighted.

Finally, the Apps for iPhone page includes links to additional information about the iPhone 4. Naturally, this is for would-be iPhone buyers or for those, which recently purchased the smart phone. While the information presented on the Apps for iPhone page is concise and a good reference tool, it certainly isn't as thorough as it could be. Hopefully, Apple will expand its list of unique categories from the 15 currently available. But, it is a nice start.