Can You Guess How Many Magnets Are On The iPad 2's Smart Cover?
March 14, 2011
Magnets are becoming the rage, courtesy of the new iPad 2‘s Smart Covers. A stunning 31 magnets are used to create the perfect fit between the cover and iDevice. This news comes from iFixit, which put one of the covers under the knife.
The Smart Cover includes 21 magnets. Surprising, only one of these actually turns off the iPad's screen. The rest are used to either clamp to the iPad on the right side, or to form the triangular shape used to create the stand for the iPad 2.
The magnet that turns the iDevice off reacts to a sleep sensor, which is located on the top right side of the iPad 2.
The iDevice itself contains ten magnets.
Perhaps this news will reassure buyers concerned Smart Covers won't do a good job of protecting the iDevice.
What do you think? Surprised that there are 31 magnets used? Leave your comments below.