New iPad 2 Jailbroken, Still Waiting For Public Release
March 14, 2011
Three days following its U.S. release, the iPad 2 has been hacked, according to a video posted on Redmond Pie. The hacker, who goes by the nickname Comex on Twitter, made the claim late Sunday night. This is the same individual who released jailbreaks such as Spirit and JailbreakMe.
The video shows Cydia 1.1 running on a white iPad 2. This is the application that allows users to find and install software for a jailbroken iOS device.
According to his Twitter feed, Comex stated the hack required a new exploit, since Apple had patched the holes hackers had used prior to the iOS 4.3 release:
would've had it yesterday if I didn't have to spend 1.5 days looking for a replacement exploit (which came from a most unexpected place...)Although no public jailbreak has yet been announced, don’t be surprised if it drops soon.