Murdoch's iPad Gamble: The Daily's Pay Wall About To Go Up
March 16, 2011
Rupert Murdoch will begin charging for The Daily in the U.S. beginning next week, according to Jonathan Miller, the chief digital officer at News Corp. Mr. Miller made the announcement at the 2011 Abu Dhabi Media Summit.
The Daily, which is available exclusively on the iPad, arrived in February with much fanfare and a two-week free subscription. However, the freebie was extended a number of times. Next week will be the first time readers will actually have to pay to enjoy the stories The Daily provides.
According to The Telegraph, Miller stated:
“We have our beginning moment of truth next week when we start to ask people to get out their wallet.”Subscriptions are $.99 per week, or $39.99 a year. Charges are made through the iTunes store. Meanwhile, a European launch of The Daily is expected sometime later this year. We'd like to hear from you. Will you subscribe to The Daily? Let us know by using the comments below.