Let The Mayhem Begin: You Don't Know Jack Arrives On iOS Devices
April 14, 2011
The “irrelevant trivia” game You Don’t Know Jack has arrived on iOS devices. It is a reboot of the popular PC game series, which first arrived on the scene in 1995.
Created by Jellyvision Games, YDKJ acts as a trivia show game, offering its contestants ten different questions about pop culture, current events, and the like. Or, as its creators like to say, a game where HIGH CULTURE and POP CULTURE collide.
While most questions are multiple-choice in nature, some are not. Each game ends with the franchise's signature Jack Attack.
The most popular feature of YDKJ has always been the interaction between the host and contestant. In this version, fan favorite Cookie Masterson is back offering his unique take on current events and how well you answer each question.
Out of the gate, the first iOS version of YDKJ includes 20 different games, each with ten questions. However, its creators promise future updates will bring more rounds of fun and mayhem.
Two versions exist: YDKJ for the iPhone/iPod touch ($2.99) and YDKJ HD for the iPad ($4.99). Best of all, free versions are available for both, located here and here. These offer two rounds of play, which is plenty to decide if you should upgrade to the full version.
YDKJ followers will absolutely love this latest version and be happy with the price. Newbies, for their part, will have no problem figuring out how to play this funny game.
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