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Map Out All Your Phone Calls And Texts With Phranger

Map Out All Your Phone Calls And Texts With Phranger

May 2, 2011
Phranger by Elisa Valeria Distefano icon

Phranger ($0.99) by Elisa Valeria Distefano is a GPS based notification app. It saves users the trouble of remembering whom, where, and when to contact someone. The app sets a notification on your iPhone and takes note of your current location. When you return, it notifies users with what has been assigned. However, what sets this app aside from other location-based apps is its focus on contacts.

Phranger by Elisa Valeria Distefano screenshot

Users have two options when setting a notification. They can assign a contact to be called, or type in a message to be sent. This is the main focus of the entire app. So instead of adding a note or making a reminder based on time, users are notified when they arrive somewhere.

Phranger does all the work for you, warning users when they are near a point of interest, or suggesting a contact to call or a default message to send. In addition, all of your GPS alerts are arranged in a handy and easy to use list. Just scroll through them to see information like: distance from you, alert type, alert contact and maps with all the geo references.

Though the app supports all three devices, using a data connection to triangulate your position isn’t as effective as GPS and requires wifi or a 3G plan for the iPad. Users should take note of this before trying it on devices other than the iPhone.

Overall, this is a great call assistant and addition to any iPhone. Be sure to map all your daily phone calls and texts into GPS alerts with Phranger, and for a limited time only, pick it up for $.99 in the App Store.

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Elisa Valeria Distefano

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