The Top Ten iPhone Passwords To Avoid
June 14, 2011
Losing your iPhone is terrible enough. Doing so without first securing your iDevice with a password could make a bad situation even more problematic. Still, some passwords are worse than others and should be avoided, according to Daniel Amitay.
Using the Big Brother Camera Security app, Amitay was able to determine which four digit passwords were most likely to be cracked by someone else.
Out of 204,508 recorded passcodes, the top ten were:
1234, 0000, 2580, 1111, 5555, 5683, 0852, 2222, 1212, 1998Knowing this is a helpful tool in making sure you don’t use one of those passcodes as your iPhone password. According to Amitay:
Naturally, 1234 is the most common passcode: mimicking the most common internet passwords. To put this into perspective, these 10 codes represent 15% of all passcodes in use. Most of the top passcodes follow typical formulas, such as four identical digits, moving in a line up/down the pad, repetition. 5683 is the passcode with the least obvious pattern, but it turns out that it is the number representation of LOVE (5683), once again mimicking a very common internet password: “iloveyou.”We encourage our readers to review Amitay’s entire post. It includes some fascinating information about passwords, security and the like. What do you think? Leave your comments below. [Photo: Films By Kris]