Google Kills Photovine And Other Properties
August 26, 2011
Wow, that was quick. Just days after Google released the Photovine app for public use, the company has decided to kill it along with a few of its other iOS properties. This news comes from TechCrunch, which recently broke the story.
Photovine is actually the product of Slide, a social apps company Google bought just over a year ago for about $200 million.
Earlier tonight, All Things Digital announced Google would be shutting down Slide and its leader Max Levchin would be leaving the company.
Now, TechCrunch reports as part of the Slide shutdown, Photovine, Disco, Pool Party, and Video Inbox would be shutdown as services. Only Slide’s Prizes.org site will remain.
According to a blog post at Slide.com:
We wanted to give you all advance notice that in the coming months, a number of Slide's products and applications will be retired. This includes Slide's products such as Slideshow and SuperPoke! Pets, as well as more recent products such as Photovine, Video Inbox and Pool Party. We created products with the goal of providing a fun way for people to connect, communicate and share. While we are incredibly grateful to our users and for all of the wonderful feedback over the years, many of these products are no longer as active or haven't caught on as we originally hoped. Most importantly, we wanted to take this opportunity to reassure you that we're committed to helping our users preserve their data as easily as possible. We recognize that many of you have stored valuable content with us and want to assure you that, wherever possible, you will have ample time to download that information or transfer it to another service. For example, on Slide.com, we will enable users to either download their photos or export them to a Picasa account. We are working to release this export feature over the coming weeks and, once added, users will have several months to take advantage of transferring their photos. Thanks again for all of your support, and we appreciate your patience as we continue to share more details in the coming days and weeks on how to access and save your content from specific Slide products. If you have any questions or feedback, don't hesitate to contact us at feedback@slide.com. Or visit this page for any additional updates.Photovine was just last week named AppAdvice’s Best iPhone App Of The Week. Alas, now it will soon be gone from the App Store.