Futuristic Photo Table Lets You Create Cool Slideshows And Collages - Plus, Win A Copy!

Photo Table ($0.99) by Paul Solt is a unique photo app that allows you to flick your photos around a virtual coffee table. Create photo collages and slide shows, or simply interact with and enjoy your photos in a totally new way.

Download photo albums from your iDevice, Facebook, and/or Flickr. Use all of your fingers to tap, flick, drag, zoom and rotate your photos. Press “play” and just watch your personal slideshow with photos flying in and out. Add your music if you like. Create a perfect layout and save it as a collage. Unlike most photo collage apps, there is no limit on the number of photos you can add.
Playing with this app reminds me of the movie Minority Report, or the computerized table that the 5-0 team uses in Hawaii 5-0. It definitely feels like something out of the future. Check out the developer’s one-minute video to see it in action. A second video demonstrates how to import photos from Facebook.
Photo Table is universal, so run it on your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad running iOS 5.0 or later. Photo Table does not yet include the multiplayer feature I tested out in beta, but the developer assures me that it’s coming in a later update.
We’ve teamed with the developer to offer promo codes for Photo Table to two lucky readers. For your chance to win, simply comment below by Friday, December 2, 9:00 a.m. EST. In case you don’t win, be sure to check out the free lite version of the app. The lite version limits you to three albums and the ability to download photos only from Facebook, not Flickr, but you’ll get to see what the app is all about.