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Keep Track Of Your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) With Watson

Keep Track Of Your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) With Watson

December 1, 2011
Watson by Tatu Solutions icon

Watson ($0.99) by Tatu Solutions is the latest app to help users keep track of their blood alcohol content (BAC). Whether you’re a regular drinker, college student, or responsible adult, anyone consuming alcohol could use this app.

Watson by Tatu Solutions screenshot

The user enters their: name, gender, age, weight, height, and the desired BAC level. From there the app allows users to track their BAC by choosing any type of drink from a menu. The app will then automatically calculate a BAC based on the previously entered data.

Drinks can also be added to the app. When adding a drink, an array of options will appear, everything from different types of alcohol to different amounts and percentages. The app then calculates an approximate BAC based on all of the data that you enter.

The more accurate and honest you are about the data, the more accurate the numbers will be. A user should not rely on this to decide whether or not they should be driving or if someone is approaching alcohol poisoning. However, for those who can responsibly use this tool, it’s a great way to keep track of just how much alcohol you have consumed.

The app features a history tab, which logs all of your previous nights and just how much you drank. After creating a profile for yourself, users can revisit the profile tab and create a new one for a friend. Assuming you’re responsible for yourself and your friend this could come in handy.

Users will also notice a wide selection of drinks to choose from; there is even an option for food. It appears as if a lot of time, effort and math were put into this app to provide the most accurate BAC calculations.

Watson even features an info tab where users can make special requests, watch a tutorial on the app, shop other products by the developer, or follow them on Facebook.

For anyone with a portable iDevice who regularly consumes more than a couple of drinks, this is definitely worth investing into. For $0.99 you won’t find too many other accurate blood alcohol content calculators, be sure to check this one out.

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Tatu Solutions

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