Jailbreak Only: RecognizeMe, Facial Recognition Tweak Improved
by Ammaar Reshi
February 11, 2012
RecognizeMe, the facial recognition tweak for iOS has just received a very significant update.
The tweak that launched almost a year ago, allows users to add an extra layer of security to their devices by placing a facial recognition lock on the iPhone's lock screens. RecognizeMe allows you to also alternatively use the password lock in case facial recognition fails. Version 1.o of the tweak was very slow and the latest update fixes a lot of its problems.
RecognizeMe 2.o now features a much improved user interface, faster facial recognition, and better picture quality.
Here are all the new features:
Tthe improvements are evident in the video below: This unique tweak is available for $2.99 in the BigBossRepo. Let us know if you purchase the tweak and how well it works for you.
- iOS 5 CoreImage Face Detection added to vastly improve detection time, which improves overall Recognition and speed!!
- New Animations to see how RecognizeMe see's your face! (Even on iOS 4 where CoreImage Face Detection is not available!)
- Speed Improvements
- Tweaks to recognition algorithm better matching features
- Improved clarity of incoming camera stream across all devices
- Added AutoStart on unlock feature (starts RecognizeMe upon swipe-to-unlock)
- All artwork updated