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At Least You're Not On The Menu In Cannibal Cookout

At Least You're Not On The Menu In Cannibal Cookout

March 31, 2012
Cannibal Cookout by MeYuMe icon

Cannibal Cookout (Free) by MeYuMe has you setting the stage to nibble on some Nibblers.

What’s a cannibal to do? All they want is to chow on the indigenous Nibblers, but hassles such as finding ingredients, keeping the water boiling, and dealing with any would-be Nibbler rescuers really make it hard to just enjoy a simple meal.

Play as Hector or Elvira, with a huge pot of boiling water in the middle of the screen. Nibblers will pass by in the background.

Grab one, shake it down to release any ingredients it may have, and toss it in the pot. The poor guys will struggle for help until they are finally cooked.

Cannibal Cookout by MeYuMe screenshot

But just because you’re able to toss some Nibblers in a pot doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed a meal. Police officers, firefighters, and even angry birds are just some of the foes to get in your way as they try to rescue the Nibblers.

Dealing with some of them is as easy as picking them up and tossing them like Bamm-Bamm would. Others, like the ninjas that swoop down on ropes, will need items bought from the general store.

The giant pot will also need to be tended. A chute will automatically deposit logs to keep the fire going, tough you’ll need to make sure you have enough wood and fuel available.

The levels in stage one take a while as each introduces some new obstacle, which means that the gameplay takes a while, too. Once the hunger meter reaches 100 percent, the level will end.

Things do get better once more resistance comes along, though you have to get there first.

Overall, your objective is to complete a recipe book to become a Head Chef (or chef of heads). The recipes will require Nibbler body parts, as well as other ingredients that can either be found within the level, donated when you shake down a Nibbler, or bought from the general store.

This is an entertaining game that straddles the edge of dark humor without being too gory.

Once you get past the tutorial element of the game, you’ll get wrapped up in what has to be the oddest time management game ever.

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Cannibal Cookout
Cannibal Cookout