Quirky App Of The Day: African Witchcraft Spells
by Kathryn Zane
March 21, 2012
I knew that many different African cultures have a rich tradition in witchcraft. It sounded interesting to me, so I thought I'd check it out. There are about a dozen spells, and many of them have to do with justice. Either they involve getting the court to rule your way, or they are intended to silence anyone who would speak out against you.
Each spell comes from its own region in Africa. Some of them follow the traditions of voodoo or hoodoo. Many of them have aspects of the Bible to them. They refer to certain Psalms or points of Christian doctrine. I was actually pretty surprised by it. I definitely don't know much about African witchcraft lore, but I always had imagined that it was kept separate from Christianity's influences. Like I said, I'm no expert in the field, so it surprised me.
The app allows you to email certain spells that your friends might also find interesting. There's also the option to save favorites in your own, personal collection. On the front of each spell is a description of what the spell is intended for. There's a button on the bottom of the app that flips the card over to reveal what has to be done to perform the spell. Some of them are rather inv0lved.
What I'm particularly curious about is what happens if you place a spell over court proceedings, and someone else on the opposing side placed the same exact spell over the proceedings too. Assuming that the spells will work, which person would get the court to sway their way? Is there a rhyme or reason to why someone else's spell may be more potent than your own?
African Witchcraft Spells is an iPhone app available in the App Store for $0.99.