The Geode Is The Wallet Of The Future
by Tommy Ly
March 14, 2012
There are apps available that do nothing more than store your credit card information. There are iPhone cases that store your credit cards. Then, there's the Geode, which will combine those features and include many more to make it an exciting (if not interesting) product.
With over a month left to go, the Geode has nearly doubled its $50,000 goal on Kickstarter and it's easy to see why. The Geode consists of an iPhone case and detachable card reader. The case securely stores information from credit cards, loyalty cards, gift cards, and membership cards with the use of a biometric fingerprint scanner (yeah, a fingerprint scanner on your iPhone). The case doesn't just store the information - in conjunction with the Geode's companion app, it allows you to temporarily program the included universal card or e-ink barcode display to use the information on your desired card! This means your debit card, credit card, and that gift card from grandma can all stay at home. The Geode can be all of those cards at any time you choose.
The Geode looks like an amazing product. Although I'll more than likely get on board with this one, I can't help but think someone could use the Geode for evil. If it works as simply as shown in the video, what's to stop someone from scanning someone else's credit card and using it with the Geode's universal card? The Geode-equipped thief wouldn't even need to steal the card itself, leaving the unsuspecting victim oblivious to any imminent harm that their banking account will incur. Hopefully the iCache team will have a way to prevent something like that from being possible.
To make a pledge and get more information on the Geode, visit Kickstarter. A pledge of $159 will get you a single Geode (case, card reader, and USB cable) and they're expected to ship this June. For something so useful, the price isn't too steep. Could you see yourself using a Geode?