The Popular iTV Shows App Now Has A Companion Website Called iTV Shows Open
June 20, 2013
One of the best TV tracking apps has received a huge update. In fact, the update is so big that it won’t fit completely on either the iPhone/iPod touch or iPad. The appropriately named iTV Shows app is now part of an expanded ecosystem that includes a free website, iTV Shows Open.
First released in April 2010, iTV Shows is for fans that are obsessed with keeping up-to-date with their favorite programs. The app also includes a genius tool that makes it simple to find new shows that match a users’ preferences.
Best of all, iCloud makes syncing between devices simple. Mark an episode on your iPhone, for example, and it’s already on your iPad!
The site iTV Shows Open is best described as a work in progress. In fact, in sticking with the TV theme, think of it as a series that is in the pipeline, but not yet ready for prime time.
On release, iTV Shows Open includes key information on past, current, and future shows. This includes episode summaries and air dates. It also includes user-generated ratings and reviews.
Missing, however, is what makes iTV Shows so great -- the ability to track your favorites series.
With the iTV Shows 2.2 app update, users are asked to create a iTV Shows Open login. This login isn’t connected to iCloud. As a result, within iTV Shows Open, users can’t add shows to their list of favorites, or even check off the ones that they are already following.
I’ve used the iTV Shows app for quite a long time. In fact, I’m pretty sure that I was one of its first users. As such I have confidence that iTV Shows Open will only get better in time. For now, think of it as a coming attraction.
Priced at $2.99, the universal iTV Shows app is available in the App Store. Click here to visit iTV Shows Open.