The new weather app Atmos provides elegance and accuracy
A new app from Enormego called Atmos provides a sleek design with accurate weather details for your iPhone and Apple Watch. Plan your outdoor activities and check current conditions on the go with this super nice weather app.
On the iPhone, use the Today Widget to view a quick summary of what to expect for your day. You can add multiple locations and easily move between them to get the information you need. You can quickly check out the current conditions, hourly forecast, and what is coming up for the week.
On the Apple Watch, view your weather summary with a Glance. You can also see the hourly forecast, a precipitation chart, and weather for the upcoming days. This is especially handy when you are traveling.
Atmos provides an attractive tile layout for your locations. Just select the one you want to retrieve more details. The interface is intuitive with simple swipes to see the next day, upcoming week, or a different location. The stylish themes are designed to accompany the weather conditions you see. You can also share local weather information with your friends and family easily.
The Atmos weather app is available for $2.99 on the App Store.