Welcome to the new, ad-free AppAdvice
It took much longer than we expected, but our new AppAdvice website is now out of beta and online. As you can see, the site has been completely redesigned.
Besides seeing the latest industry and app news headlines on our new homepage, you will see links to videos, reviews, games, Apps Gone Free, and much more. We also have a Charts page that links to the most popular app titles on the App Store. You’ll also notice that you can change the look of the site. By default, the site is available with a light background. You can change this to dark by clicking on the moon icon at the top right of the page.
Finally, you may also notice that we’re one of the few technology sites without ads. We’ve done this to create an experience where nothing is competing with our content. Over time, you’ll see new, fresh layouts as well which will further add to the reading experience.
We hope that you enjoy the new AppAdvice. Mobile changes are coming soon.