Walk Me Up Alarm Clock makes your feet hit the floor
The alarm goes off at the wee hours of the morning and you hit the snooze button. Then nine minutes later, you tap the snooze button again. Maybe in another nine minutes, you hit that snooze button just once more. Now what? You’re late! Don’t let this happen to you, use the Walk Me Up Alarm Clock to make sure those feet hit the floor.
How the alarm clock works
This alarm clock is sure to get you out of bed on time. The alarm tone will continue to ring until you actually get out of bed and begin to walk. You can set the number of steps and intensity of them, per alarm. And, the alarm will continue to sound until you take the right amount of steps, which can be set from five to 100.
Walk Me Up Alarm Clock settings
Along with setting the number and intensity of steps, you can also choose the alarm sound from a variety of options. You can create multiple alarms and label each one, which is handy for different things. For example, you can have one alarm for waking in the morning and another for reminding you to get up off the couch and do some chores. There is still a snooze option with this alarm, but you can set the maximum number of snoozes allowed with an in-app purchase.
Terrific idea
As someone who used to have to place my alarm clock on the other side of the room just to make sure I would get out of bed, the Walk Me Up Alarm Clock is a great idea. The ability to create multiple alarms is awesome and is useful for letting me know when it is time to take a break from the computer and walk around to stretch for a few minutes.
Walk Me Up Alarm Clock is available for free on the App Store. There are in-app purchases for additional alarm sounds, the ability to limit your snoozes, and ad-removal.
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