Is your App Store iOS app acting weird? Try this quick fix
If the App Store app on your iOS device is getting slower or not showing app updates correctly, a new trick can help, courtesy of Zachary Drayer.
To refresh your App Store app’s cache, tap on any of the tab bar items 10 times. The choices are: Favorites, Top Charts, Explore, Search, or Updates.
Keep in mind: You must tap on the same item 10 times for the cache to clear. When it does, the app screen will go blank for a few seconds before resetting.
@steipete tap on any of the tab bar items 10 times.
— zachary drayer ✌ (@zadr) December 29, 2015
As saniul later confirmed, this fix also works in the native Watch and iTunes apps too, which is great to know.
If you come across iOS tips that you think would benefit other AppAdvice readers, let us know. You can find us on Twitter @appadvice.
We thank Drayer for bringing this fix some attention on Twitter.
For more news, see: Apple is expected to work on its own virtual reality products in 2016, 7 apps to help you start off the new year right, and AppAdvice’s top 10 free iPhone apps of 2015.